[Rd] table() with option "exclude=NULL" (PR#2491)

jerome@hivnet.ubc.ca jerome@hivnet.ubc.ca
Fri Jan 24 20:10:13 2003

Full_Name: Jerome Asselin
Version: 1.6.2
OS: redhat linux 7.2
Submission from: (NULL) (

Bug or feature? Hard to say...
But it sure would be nice if table()
would label the frequency of NA's as
it does for NaN's.


> table(c(2,NA,1,1,1),exclude=NULL)

1 2
3 1 1
> table(c(2,NA,1,1,1,NaN),exclude=NULL)

  1   2  NaN
  3   1   1   1

#For sake of comparison, Splus returns:
> table(c(2,NA,1,1,1,NaN),exclude=NULL)
 1 2 NA NaN
 3 1  1   1