[Rd] plot.ts don't accept ylab (PR#2428)
Tue Jan 7 11:09:05 2003
1) It does *NOT* crash, it returns a meaningful error message:
Error in plot.ts(x[, i], axes = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = "", log = log, :
formal argument "ylab" matched by multiple actual arguments
[`Crash' means an unrecoverable error, not a message telling the user not
to be so silly.]
And given that there are three separate plots, what exactly did you
expect `ylab' to do?
2) `ylab' is not a documented argument to plot.ts. `...' says
*additional* graphics arguments, but does not say which are valid
(as is the S/R convention).
3) You are actually using plot.mts, and you would do better to call the
generic function, not a specific method.
4) You've specified your example incorrectly. I think you meant
testdata <- ts(cbind(a=runif(24), b=runif(24)), freq=4)
So where exactly is the bug *in R* (as distinct from those in your
On Tue, 7 Jan 2003 maeder@iac.umnw.ethz.ch wrote:
> Full_Name: Joerg Maeder
> Version: R-1.6.1
> OS: Solaris
> Submission from: (NULL) (
> plot.ts crashs when you have a multi-dimensional time series and you try to
> define
> the ylab argument.
> #Test Data: simple 2dimensional time series
> testdata <- ts(cbind(runif(24),runif(24),freq=4))
> #this command works well
> plot.ts(testdata)
> #this command don't work
> plot.ts(testdata,ylab="CRASH")
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Brian D. Ripley, ripley@stats.ox.ac.uk
Professor of Applied Statistics, http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~ripley/
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