[Rd] R won't compile on FreeBSD 5.0 (PR#2562)

Kurt Hornik Kurt.Hornik@wu-wien.ac.at
Wed Feb 19 00:35:03 2003

>>>>> Peter Dalgaard BSA writes:

> vangyzen@stat.duke.edu writes:
>> Full_Name: Eric van Gyzen
>> Version: 1.6.2
>> OS: FreeBSD 5.0-RELEASE i386
>> Submission from: (NULL) (
>> When compiling R (versions 1.6.1 and 1.6.2), I get the following messages:
>> dumping R code in package 'methods'
>> Fatal error: The X11 shared library could not be loaded.
>> The error was /tmp/R-1.6.2/modules/R_X11.so: Undefined symbol "R_GlobalEnv"
>> The compiler is GCC 3.2.1.  I'll be glad to provide more information via email.
>> Thanks in advance for any help!

> Hmm. You might need to get a FreeBSD expert in on this. I guess that
> it is not the methods package that has the problem; that is just the
> first time anything tries to run the newly built R binary. R_GlobalEnv
> is defined in R.bin so the problem is that the dyn.load mechanism is
> not able to resolve this. A bit of Google'ing suggests that a
> -export-dynamic (or so) flag might have fallen out of the link command
> for R.bin.

Actually ... the configure code has


so does not cover freebsd5 --- maybe this should be changed?
