[Rd] negative numbers from object.size() on 64 bit systems

Roger D. Peng rpeng at jhsph.edu
Wed Dec 17 20:30:06 MET 2003

Has anyone running R 1.8.1 on a 64 bit system gotten negative numbers 
from object.size() on objects > 2GB or so?  For example, on 
Solaris/Sparc I get

 > b <- numeric(131072 * 2800)
 > object.size(b)
[1] -1358954440

I get similar behavior on the Opteron (SuSE Linux).  I'm not sure if 
this is an R problem or something wrong with the way it was compiled on 
either system.

I noticed in objectsize() in size.c, the `cnt' variable is an int, which 
I guess would max out at 2^31.  Might this be the problem?  Any hints 
would be appreciated.



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