[Rd] Loading R 1.8.1 (PR#5509)

Duncan Murdoch dmurdoch at pair.com
Thu Dec 4 13:17:00 MET 2003

On Thu,  4 Dec 2003 12:54:59 +0100 (CET), you wrote:

>I downloaded the latest Windows version 1.8.1 from
>http://www.stats.bris.ac.uk/R/  (21/11/03 R-1.8.1.tar then to-day the file
>is R-1.8.1.tgz) and from Windows unzipped the file.  The directory R-1.8.1
>is created (rather than rw1081) but no subdirectory 'bin'.  I cannot see any
>.dll nor .exe files in the directory and I understand from Brian Ripley's
>page of 'R for Windows FAQ' there should be a 'bin' subdirectory.

You've downloaded the source, not a binary build.  The file you want
to download is rw1081.exe, from the /bin/windows/base directory on
CRAN mirrors.

Duncan Murdoch

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