[Rd] R 1.7.0 installation problem: make check fails when using --with-lapack option

Matthias Burger ml-it-r-devel at epigenomics.com
Wed Apr 23 13:32:58 MEST 2003


just as a follow up:

as suggested by my sys admin I make use of the environment variable LD_PRELOAD 
to tell the run time linker where to find the desired libraries.


   echo $LD_PRELOAD

   > system("ldd R.bin")
         /usr/lib/sse2/atlas/libblas.so.2 => /usr/lib/sse2/atlas/libblas.so.2 
         /usr/lib/sse2/atlas/liblapack.so.2 => 
/usr/lib/sse2/atlas/liblapack.so.2 (0x403ec000)
         libg2c.so.0 => /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-linux/3.2.2/../../../libg2c.so.0 
         libm.so.6 => /lib/libm.so.6 (0x40946000)

so this works now as expected.

But testing with the example provided by Ramón Díaz-Uriarte
I can confirm that I get the errors as well,
filed as bug report PR# 2823 already.

So for the time being I conlude that I will not enable ATLAS support.

I'b be very happy to hear of any news or development on resolving this problem.



Matthias Burger

Bioinformatics R&D
Epigenomics AG                      www.epigenomics.com
Kleine Pr?sidentenstra?e 1          fax:   +49-30-24345-555
10178 Berlin Germany                phone: +49-30-24345-0

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