[Rd] coplot panels malrendered / 1653 (PR#2824)

dmaszle at mendelbio.com dmaszle at mendelbio.com
Wed Apr 23 03:19:57 MEST 2003

Full_Name: Don Maszle
Version: 1.7.0
OS: Linux
Submission from: (NULL) (

This was previously reported I believe as bug 1653.

I just compiled 1.7.0 on RedHat Linux and I get terrible behavior when
panel=plot.  Browsing through the coplot code, I don't how there could be this
dependency.  With panel=points, my 7 graphs come out numbered as
4 5 6
1 2 3

Using panel=plot the same 7 graphs come out as
- 4 5
6 1 2

with the given subplot being overwritten with data plots.

Has anyone looked into this?

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