[Rd] Weird Windows startup menu display problem in 1.7.0 (PR#2817)

Duncan Murdoch murdoch at stats.uwo.ca
Tue Apr 22 14:11:22 MEST 2003

On Tue, 22 Apr 2003 17:23:27 +0200 (MET DST), you wrote in message
<200304221523.h3MFNRpD013846 at pubhealth.ku.dk>:

>Winnt; R1.7.0 (freshly installed) running under Rgui.exe.,MDI=yes.
>The following is repeatable:
>On startup, in my Rprofile.site file, I use winMenuAdd() etc. to install
>some user menus. However, they do not appear when R GUI window opens. If I
>minimize and restore the window, the added menus now are present.

Thanks for the report.  I can reproduce this.  Interestingly, it only
happens in MDI mode; with --sdi on the command line things behave

Duncan Murdoch

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