[Rd] 'Apparently' trouble with name spaces and Sweave...

Laurent Gautier laurent at cbs.dtu.dk
Wed Apr 9 05:23:34 MEST 2003

Ben Bolstad experienced something odd while running R CMD check over
a package of ours using r-devel (yesterday's fresh).
He tracked down the problem to a vignette calling 'library(MASS)'.

Please kindly ignore if this is a known (and temporary) issue.


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Subject: build problem with affy
From: Ben Bolstad <bolstad at stat.berkeley.edu>
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Cc: Laurent Gautier <laurent at cbs.dtu.dk>
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I am getting this error when doing a R CMD build --force on affy

I am using an updated R-devel rsync'ed this morning and I am using the
latest MASS package (which was my first thought). I am not having
problems building other packages.

Any thoughts? 

* creating vignettes ... ERROR
Error in namespaceExport(ns, exports) : undefined exports: abbey,
accdeaths, Aids2, Animals, anorexia, austres, bacteria, beav1, beav2,
biopsy, birthwt, Boston, cabbages, caith, Cars93, cats, cement, chem,
coop, cpus, crabs, Cushings, DDT, deaths, drivers, eagles, epil, farms,
fdeaths, fgl,
forbes, GAGurine, galaxies, gehan, genotype, geyser, gilgais, hills,
housing, immer, Insurance, leuk, lh, mammals, MASS.data.load, mcycle,
mdeaths, Melanoma, menarche, michelson, minn38, motors, muscle, newcomb,
nlschools, nottem, npk, npr1, oats, OME, painters, petrol, phones,
Pima.te, Pima.tr, Pima.tr2, quine, Rabbit, road, rock, rotifer, Rubber,
ships, shoes, shrimp, shuttle, Sitka, Sitka89, Skye, snails, SP500,
steam, stormer, survey, synth.te, synth.tr, topo, Traffic, UScereal,
UScrime, VA, waders, whiteside, wtloss
Error in library(MASS) : package/namespace load failed
Error in driver$runcode(drobj, chunk, chunkopts) :
        Error in library(MASS) : package/namespace load failed
Error in buildVignettes(dir = ".") : Error in driver$runcode(drobj,
chunk, chunkopts) :
        Error in library(MASS) : package/namespace load failed
Execution halted

----- End forwarded message -----

currently at the National Yang-Ming University in Taipei, Taiwan
Laurent Gautier			CBS, Building 208, DTU
PhD. Student			DK-2800 Lyngby,Denmark	
tel: +45 45 25 24 89		http://www.cbs.dtu.dk/laurent

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