growing process size in simulation

Luke Tierney
Fri, 11 Oct 2002 20:57:23 -0500 (CDT)

On 11 Oct 2002, Peter Dalgaard BSA wrote:

> Achim Zeileis <> writes:
> > I came across this in a simulation I ran under 1.6.0: If I do something
> > like
> > 
> > R> x <- rnorm(10)
> > R> rval <- NULL
> > R> for(i in 1:100000) rval <- t.test(x)$p.value
> > 
> > then the process size remains at about 14M under 1.5.1, but it seems to
> > be almost linearly growing up to more than 100M under 1.6.0.
> > 
> > I know that the above simulation is nonsense, but it was the simplest I
> > could come up with to reproduce the behaviour. It doesn't depend on
> > t.test, if I use wilcox.test(x)$p.value the same happens...
> Argh. Confirmed. One interesting clue is that R itself doesn't seem to
> know about this:
> for(i in 1:50000) {
>    rval <- t.test(x)$p.value 
>    if (i %% 10000 == 0) print(gc())
> }
>          used (Mb) gc trigger (Mb)
> Ncells 208343  5.6     407500 10.9
> Vcells  64656  0.5     786432  6.0
>          used (Mb) gc trigger (Mb)
> Ncells 208343  5.6     407500 10.9
> Vcells  64656  0.5     786432  6.0
>          used (Mb) gc trigger (Mb)
> Ncells 208343  5.6     407500 10.9
> Vcells  64656  0.5     786432  6.0
>          used (Mb) gc trigger (Mb)
> Ncells 208343  5.6     407500 10.9
> Vcells  64656  0.5     786432  6.0
>          used (Mb) gc trigger (Mb)
> Ncells 208343  5.6     407500 10.9
> Vcells  64656  0.5     786432  6.0
> ...but the memory footprint is still growing.

It looks to me like something in deparse (which gets called in
t.test.default) may be the culprit:

   for(i in 1:100000) rval <- deparse("x")

exhibits the same behavior.

In running under gdb it looks like deparse("x") results in the call


and malloc is called in R_AllocStringBuffer to create the buffer.  The
allocation is stored into a local structure variable in
deparse1WithCutoff and I think is not being free'd before
deparse1WithCutoff exits.


Luke Tierney
University of Iowa                  Phone:             319-335-3386
Department of Statistics and        Fax:               319-335-3017
   Actuarial Science
241 Schaeffer Hall                  email:
Iowa City, IA 52242                 WWW:

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