(PR#2275) Re: Bug#168259: r-base-core: help.start() assumes netscape is installed

Dirk Eddelbuettel edd@debian.org
Sat, 9 Nov 2002 14:50:13 -0600

On Sat, Nov 09, 2002 at 10:57:09AM -0800, A.J. Rossini wrote:
> >>>>> "dirk" == Dirk Eddelbuettel <edd@debian.org> writes:
>     dirk> On Fri, Nov 08, 2002 at 03:51:10PM +0000, ripley@stats.ox.ac.uk wrote:
>     >> > To best of my knowledge, this R feature dates from a time when
>     >> > Netscape was essentially the only browser out there. It also had
>     >> > a most useful feature: you could attach new request (resulting in
>     >> > a new "frame" in X11 / window manager parlance) to a running Netscape
>     >> > making startup for this request /much/ faster than starting a new
>     >> > Netscape executable.
>     >> 
>     >> and netscape no longer allows multiple executables to run.
>     dirk> I just confirmed that mozilla does. E.g.  mozilla
>     dirk> http://bbc.com & sleep 3; mozilla -remote
>     dirk> "openurl(http://cnn.com)" happily switches the running
>     dirk> session from the BBC to CNN.
>     dirk> Neither galeon [ a mozilla derivative ] nor konqueror [
>     dirk> different codebase ] appear to support it.
> Weird.  Galeon can support both "adding a tab" as well as "separate
> executable", apparently -- a few days ago, I was getting both from
> different tools with "fetch a URL" features (mostly of the dockapps
> variety).
> Same with recent konquerors...

Ah. I may be behind then as far as versions are concerned. Debian testing,
galeon 1.2.5, konqueror 2.2.2.


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