[Rd] Small typo in An Introduction to R (PR#1402)
Fri, 22 Mar 2002 18:01:20 +0100 (MET)
Thank you, Michele.
I've fixed it now.
>>>>> "Michele" == Michele Alzetta <mikalzet@libero.it> writes:
Michele> At a snail's pace I keep on translating an
Michele> introduction to R into italian; I have reached the
Michele> section describing the glm() function, in which
Michele> some example code is presented. The very last line
Michele> of code, before the beginning of the section on
Michele> Poisson models is:
Michele> ldp <- ld50(coef(fmp)); ldl <- ld50(coef(fmp)); c(ldp, ldl)
Michele> ........ the correct code should Michele> be:
Michele> ldp <- ld50(coef(fmp)); ldl <- ld50(coef(fml)); c(ldp, ldl)
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