[Rd] Weakness in Knuth-TAOCP RNG (fwd) (PR#1336)
Sun, 3 Mar 2002 04:17:10 +0100 (MET)
Prof Brian D Ripley wrote:
>Attachments don't really work with R-bugs. To save us trying to unpick
>this manually, could you re-send it as the body of a message to R-bugs
>in reply to this one, or quoting (PR#1336) in the subject, please?
Sorry about that (Pine sometimes modify lines of the body without warning,
so I preferred using an attachment). Here is the patch for src/main/RNG.c.
>> Don Knuth recently updated its RNG, following the discovery of a
>> weakness in the seed initialisation (see
>> http://Sunburn.Stanford.EDU/~knuth/news02.html), so I believe that the
>> corresponding code in R should be updated as well. If it may be usefull,
>> I attach a patch to do the change.
>> Notes:
>> - only a few lines of code have really changed, but the order of the
>> functions has changed in Knuth's original code, so the patch is
>> longer than it should really be;
>> - Despite Knuth's request that no change should be made to the code,
>> the present R code (1.5.0-devel and previous) contains a change (the
>> line "long ran_x[KK];" is commented, and ran_x is defined elsewhere
>> in the program). The patch contains the _same_ change; I let you
>> decide if this is acceptable in regard to Knuth's request.
--- RNG.c.old Fri Mar 1 08:42:45 2002
+++ RNG.c Fri Mar 1 14:26:08 2002
@@ -543,6 +543,7 @@
#define ran_x dummy
/* =================== Knuth TAOCP ========================== */
+/* From http://www-cs-faculty.Stanford.EDU/~knuth/programs/rng.c */
/* Please do NOT alter this part of the code */
@@ -551,15 +552,17 @@
* It is explained in Seminumerical Algorithms, 3rd edition, Section 3.6
* (or in the errata to the 2nd edition --- see
* http://www-cs-faculty.stanford.edu/~knuth/taocp.html
- * in the changes to pages 171 and following of Volume 2). */
+ * in the changes to Volume 2 on pages 171 and following). */
+/* N.B. The MODIFICATIONS introduced in the 9th printing (2002) are
+ included here; there's no backwards compatibility with the original. */
/* If you find any bugs, please report them immediately to
* taocp@cs.stanford.edu
* (and you will be rewarded if the bug is genuine). Thanks! */
/************ see the book for explanations and caveats! *******************/
-/* the old C calling conventions are used here, for reasons of portability */
+/************ in particular, you need two's complement arithmetic **********/
#define KK 100 /* the long lag */
#define LL 37 /* the short lag */
@@ -568,10 +571,13 @@
/*long ran_x[KK]; */ /* the generator state */
-/* void ran_array(long aa[],int n) */
+#ifdef __STDC__
+void ran_array(long aa[],int n)
void ran_array(aa,n) /* put n new random numbers in aa */
long *aa; /* destination */
int n; /* array length (must be at least KK) */
register int i,j;
for (j=0;j<KK;j++) aa[j]=ran_x[j];
@@ -580,57 +586,57 @@
for (;i<KK;i++,j++) ran_x[i]=mod_diff(aa[j-KK],ran_x[i-LL]);
+/* the following routines are from exercise 3.6--15 */
+/* after calling ran_start, get new randoms by, e.g., "x=ran_arr_next()" */
+#define QUALITY 1009 /* recommended quality level for high-res use */
+long ran_arr_buf[QUALITY];
+long ran_arr_sentinel=-1;
+long *ran_arr_ptr=&ran_arr_sentinel; /* the next random number, or -1 */
+#define ran_arr_next() (*ran_arr_ptr>=0? *ran_arr_ptr++: ran_arr_cycle())
+long ran_arr_cycle()
+ ran_array(ran_arr_buf,QUALITY);
+ ran_arr_buf[100]=-1;
+ ran_arr_ptr=ran_arr_buf+1;
+ return ran_arr_buf[0];
#define TT 70 /* guaranteed separation between streams */
#define is_odd(x) ((x)&1) /* units bit of x */
-#define evenize(x) ((x)&(MM-2)) /* make x even */
-/* void ran_start(long seed) */
+#ifdef __STDC__
+void ran_start(long seed)
void ran_start(seed) /* do this before using ran_array */
long seed; /* selector for different streams */
register int t,j;
long x[KK+KK-1]; /* the preparation buffer */
- register long ss=evenize(seed+2);
+ register long ss=(seed+2)&(MM-2);
for (j=0;j<KK;j++) {
x[j]=ss; /* bootstrap the buffer */
ss<<=1; if (ss>=MM) ss-=MM-2; /* cyclic shift 29 bits */
- for (;j<KK+KK-1;j++) x[j]=0;
x[1]++; /* make x[1] (and only x[1]) odd */
- ss=seed&(MM-1);
- t=TT-1; while (t) {
- for (j=KK-1;j>0;j--) x[j+j]=x[j]; /* "square" */
- for (j=KK+KK-2;j>KK-LL;j-=2) x[KK+KK-1-j]=evenize(x[j]);
- for (j=KK+KK-2;j>=KK;j--) if(is_odd(x[j])) {
- x[j-(KK-LL)]=mod_diff(x[j-(KK-LL)],x[j]);
+ for (ss=seed&(MM-1),t=TT-1; t; ) {
+ for (j=KK-1;j>0;j--) x[j+j]=x[j], x[j+j-1]=0; /* "square" */
+ for (j=KK+KK-2;j>=KK;j--)
+ x[j-(KK-LL)]=mod_diff(x[j-(KK-LL)],x[j]),
- }
if (is_odd(ss)) { /* "multiply by z" */
for (j=KK;j>0;j--) x[j]=x[j-1];
x[0]=x[KK]; /* shift the buffer cyclically */
- if (is_odd(x[KK])) x[LL]=mod_diff(x[LL],x[KK]);
+ x[LL]=mod_diff(x[LL],x[KK]);
if (ss) ss>>=1; else t--;
for (j=0;j<LL;j++) ran_x[j+KK-LL]=x[j];
for (;j<KK;j++) ran_x[j-LL]=x[j];
-/* the following routines are from exercise 3.6--15 */
-/* after calling ran_start, get new randoms by, e.g., "x=ran_arr_next()" */
-#define QUALITY 1009 /* recommended quality level for high-res use */
-long ran_arr_buf[QUALITY];
-long ran_arr_sentinel=-1;
-long *ran_arr_ptr=&ran_arr_sentinel; /* the next random number, or -1 */
-#define ran_arr_next() (*ran_arr_ptr>=0? *ran_arr_ptr++: ran_arr_cycle())
-long ran_arr_cycle()
- ran_array(ran_arr_buf,QUALITY);
- ran_arr_buf[100]=-1;
- ran_arr_ptr=ran_arr_buf+1;
- return ran_arr_buf[0];
+ for (j=0;j<10;j++) ran_array(x,KK+KK-1); /* warm things up */
+ ran_arr_ptr=&ran_arr_sentinel;
/* ===================== end of Knuth's code ====================== */
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