new version of print.factor

Tony Plate
Thu, 20 Jun 2002 10:08:47 -0600

Here's what S-plus 6.0 does with abbreviate.arg:

# S-plus 6.0
 > print(factor(c("fooooooo","baaaaaar")))
[1] fooooooo baaaaaar
 > print(factor(c("fooooooo","baaaaaar")), quote=T)
[1] "fooooooo" "baaaaaar"
[1] "baaaaaar" "fooooooo"
 > print(factor(c("fooooooo","baaaaaar")),abbreviate.arg=T, quote=T)
fooooooo baaaaaar
"fooo" "baar"
[1] "baar" "fooo"

(The function below does not abbreviate vector contents when given 
abbreviate.arg==TRUE, which may be more or less suitable depending on the 
task at hand.  Also, S-plus doesn't print levels unless quote==TRUE or "If 
some of the levels in a factor object are not in represented in the 
object", but this difference was already present in the R.1.5.0 version of 

-- Tony Plate

At 12:32 PM 6/19/2002 -0700, A.J. Rossini wrote:

>Thanks to Tony Plate for letting me know what the abbreviate.arg
>option does.  I think this could be made more flexible (I.e.
>  =TRUE, =FALSE, =#, where # would be passed to the abbreviate
>min.length argument).  But it follows the example I was given.
>"print.factor" <-
>   function (x, quote = FALSE, max.levels=5, print.levels = {if
>(max.levels==0) FALSE else TRUE}, abbreviate.arg=FALSE, ...)
>   if (length(x) <= 0)
>     cat("factor(0)\n")
>   else print(as.character(x), quote = quote, ...)
>   if (print.levels) {
>     if (abbreviate.arg) {
>       cat("Levels: ", paste(abbreviate(levels(x)[1:max.levels]),
>                             collapse = " "), "\n")
>     } else {
>       cat("Levels: ", paste(levels(x)[1:max.levels],
>                             collapse = " "), "\n")
>     }
>   }
>   invisible(x)
>It definitely could be cleaned up a bit more.
>A.J. Rossini                            Rsrch. Asst. Prof. of Biostatistics
>U. of Washington Biostatistics
>FHCRC/SCHARP/HIV Vaccine Trials Net
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