portable snprintf implementation

Martin Maechler Martin Maechler <maechler@stat.math.ethz.ch>
Wed, 10 Jul 2002 14:35:52 +0200

>>>>> "RenE" == RenE J V Bertin <rjvbertin@hotmail.com> writes:

    RenE> This may be of interest:
    RenE> http://www.ijs.si/software/snprintf/

    RenE> It looks like this version may well be more complete
    RenE> and conform the standards than the version that comes with R.

I haven't looked at either.  What makes you think that the above be
more standard?

    RenE> BTW: I am currently patching unix/sys_std.c and
    RenE> modules/gtkconsole.c such that they don't store lines
    RenE> in the history that are identical to the previous
    RenE> line. Is there any interest in posting those patches here?

only if they might be incorporated in to a future version of R  :--))
If the diff are relatively small and look good, the chances are
relatively high the inc. will happen.

I think this is a very useful idea -- though I probably will
almost never make use of it, using ESS 99.5% of the time.

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