[Rd] (PR#1287) seek was ignoring the `origin' argument (wasseek()
Tue, 29 Jan 2002 11:41:56 +0100 (MET)
Prof Brian Ripley wrote:
> The original subject line is false. It *does* reposition, but `origin'
> was being ignored, so your request was to reposition to the beginning of
> the file, and that is what happened.
> This was already fixed in R-patched: from NEWS there:
> o seek() on file connections was ignoring the `origin' argument.
> It's always worth looking at the current patched version.
Thanks. I've only searched in existing bug reports in
http://r-bugs.biostat.ku.dk/cgi-bin/R and found nothing referable to
Regards, Sven
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