Inconsistent use of Perl? (PR#1937)

Prof Brian D Ripley
Sun, 25 Aug 2002 12:41:30 +0100 (BST)

On Sun, 25 Aug 2002, Berwin Turlach wrote:

> >>>>> "BDR" == Prof Brian D Ripley <> writes:
>   BDR> On Sat, 24 Aug 2002 wrote:
>   >> [...]  But during configuration there don't seem to be any check
>   >> whether the pdflatex is recent enough.  You might want to
>   >> consider to add such a check.
>   BDR> Well, we would need to know which version failed.  What is
>   BDR> yours?
> 0.12h it seems.  (See below).  The hyperref package coming with that
> installation is also too old, it seems....
>   >> [...]  This leaves me wondering why during the base installation
>   >> Perl 5.004 (or later) is good enough for producing the `TITLE'
>   >> file but for `R CMD INSTALL' Perl 5.005 (or later) is required.
>   BDR> That is correct.  Most things require 5.004, a few require
>   BDR> 5.005.  Why is that a bug?
> Did I claim it was a bug? :) Anyway, from the FAQ:
>     If a command you are familiar with causes an R error message in a
>     case where its usual definition ought to be reasonable, it is
>     probably a bug.
> After installing R and knowing that `./configure' checks which Perl
> version I have, I expect to have a system that works fine and doesn't
> all of a sudden tell me that my Perl version is too old and cannot
> perform a `complete' install of addtional packages.  If part of R
> needs Perl 5.005, why don't you check for Perl 5.005?  O.k., you can

Because a few vociferous users only have 5.004.  I think we do now intend
to require 5.005 in configure.

> argue that it wasn't an error message but just a warning, or that I am
> not familiar with the command (fair enough too :-) ), but the FAQ
> continues:
>    If you aren't familiar with the command, or don't know for certain
>    how the command is supposed to work, then it might actually be
>    working right. Rather than jumping to conclusions, show the problem
>    to someone who knows for certain.
> And I did exactly the latter, labeling my report `inconsistent use of
> Perl'.  Rest assured, if I think something is a bug, then I will say
> so in the subject line. :)

Please send to R-devel not R-bugs, though.  If you submit to R-bugs, it
goes on the BUGS list and is claimed as a bug.

> Cheers,
>         Berwin
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Brian D. Ripley,        
Professor of Applied Statistics,
University of Oxford,             Tel:  +44 1865 272861 (self)
1 South Parks Road,                     +44 1865 272860 (secr)
Oxford OX1 3TG, UK                Fax:  +44 1865 272595

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