[Rd] Solution to (well known) problem with Rdconv.pm on Sun Solaris (PR#1093)

hb@maths.lth.se hb@maths.lth.se
Sat, 15 Sep 2001 14:23:04 +0200 (MET DST)

Full_Name: Henrik Bengtsson
Version: 1.3.1
OS: Sun Solaris 8
Submission from: (NULL) (

I have been trying to install [R] v1.3.1 locally on a Sun Solaris 8 machine and
I ran into the (already known) perl problems that express theselves as:

Bare word found where operator expected at
/usr/matcent/hb/R/R-1.3.1/share/perl/R/Rdconv.pm line 1390, near "$txtout
        (Missing operator before mywrap?)
Bare word found where operator expected at
/usr/matcent/hb/R/R-1.3.1/share/perl/R/Rdconv.pm line 1405, near "$txtout
        (Missing operator before txt_header?)
Bare word found where operator expected at
/usr/matcent/hb/R/R-1.3.1/share/perl/R/Rdconv.pm line 1420, near "$txtout
        (Missing operator before txt_header?)
Bare word found where operator expected at
/usr/matcent/hb/R/R-1.3.1/share/perl/R/Rdconv.pm line 1448, near "$txtout
        (Missing operator before txt_header?)
Bare word found where operator expected at
/usr/matcent/hb/R/R-1.3.1/share/perl/R/Rdconv.pm line 1491, near "$txtout
        (Missing operator before txt_header?)

I searched the web for solutions and found Brian Ripley's suggestion one of the
replies to "Re: [Rd] several documentation problems (PR#675)". There he
suggested to add a '&' infront of 'mywrap' and 'txt_header'; "Another guess is
that it might require &mywrap there.". I tried this and it works. I also tried
the alternative to add parentesis around the function calls, which also seemed
to work. 

My suggestion is to add this to Rdconv.pm at the 5 lines above. This would make
the building of [R] a little bit easier.

Perl version used: 

"This is perl, version 5.003 with EMBED built under solaris at Sep 14 1996
22:39:00 + suidperl security patch". 

This is the version of perl installed on a brand new (2001-09-10) Sun
SunBlade100 Solaris machine.

[R] version: Trying to install R v1.3.1.


Henrik Bengtsson
Lund University

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