[Rd] Debian Woody r-base depends on blas2 (PR#1089)

michael_odonnell@acm.org michael_odonnell@acm.org
Sat, 8 Sep 2001 20:25:33 +0200 (MET DST)

Full_Name: Michael J. O'Donnell
Version: 1.3.1-1
OS: Linux, Debian Woody distribution
Submission from: (NULL) (

I tried to install the R packages for the Debian GNU/Linux Woody distribution.
I added "deb http://cran.r-project.org/bin/linux/debian woody main" to
my /etc/apt/sources.list, and ran dselect with the apt-get method.
I selected all of the R packages that I could find. The installation
appeared to fail, because r-base and r-recommended both depend on blas2.
I cannot find a Debian package for blas2 in the Debian archives, nor in
the CRAN archives. blas1 is in the Debian archives for both Potato and Woody.
I also checked the package list for your Debian Potato distribution, and
I found no dependence on blas2 nor on blas1 there.

Mike O'Donnell

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