[Rd] broken build with LDFLAGS (PR#1141)

dks@phy.hr dks@phy.hr
Wed, 24 Oct 2001 11:28:12 +0200 (MET DST)

Full_Name: Denis Sunko
Version: 1.3.1
OS: HP-UX 11.0
Submission from: (NULL) (

I invoked configure by

env LDFLAGS=/opt/fortran90/lib ./configure --with-f77=f90

Problem: although configure completed to (its own) satisfaction, the LDFLAGS
information was not propagated everywhere; I had to change the line

PKG_LIBS =   -l:libF90.a -lcl -lisamstub


PKG_LIBS =   -L/opt/fortran90/lib -l:libF90.a -lcl -lisamstub

in the files


by hand.

On the wish-list level (not really a bug): it would be nice if configure broke
with a less cryptic message than `f90 and gcc do not agree on int and double',
when all that happens is that it cannot find the fortran library. I suggest
putting -l:libF90.a on the compiler line of a previous (dummy) test program,
just to check for this.

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