[Rd] Re: Producing PNG on Debian Linux (was the false bug report, Re:
[Rd] png output requires X connection (PR#1165))
Dirk Eddelbuettel
Sun, 18 Nov 2001 08:34:14 -0600
"Brian" == Brian D Ripley <Prof> writes:
Brian> Already done in R-devel:
Brian> NB: on our servers there is an X11 display available to cron jobs.
Hm. I just added x11() to the script snipped of yours:
edd@sonny:~> cat /tmp/R.sh
echo | R -q --no-save <<EOF
but starting this under at(1)
edd@sonny:~> echo /tmp/R.sh | at now
warning: commands will be executed using /bin/sh
job 57 at 2001-11-18 08:31
yields an error:
From: Dirk Eddelbuettel <edd@debian.org>
To: edd@eddelbuettel.com
Subject: Output from your job 57
Date: Sun, 18 Nov 2001 08:31:59 -0600
> bitmap("test.png")
> plot(1:10)
> graphics.off()
> x11()
Error in X11(display, width, height, pointsize, gamma, colortype, maxcubesize) :
unable to start device X11
Execution halted
How does Solaris do this, and how can we get Linux to do the same?
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than a precise answer to the wrong question. -- John Tukey
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