[Rd] rpart:plotcp doesn't allow ylim argument (PR#1171)

gregory_r_warnes@groton.pfizer.com gregory_r_warnes@groton.pfizer.com
Wed, 14 Nov 2001 21:20:34 +0100 (MET)

Full_Name: Gregory R. Warnes
Version: R 1.3.1
OS: Solaris 2.8
Submission from: (NULL) (

rpart library version 3.1-2

Error message:
> plotcp(fit.thirds.1,ylim=c(0.7,1.5));
Error in plot.default(ns, xerror, axes = FALSE, xlab = "cp", ylab = "X-val
Relative Error",  : 
	formal argument "ylim" matched by multiple actual arguments

This can be corrected by adding  ylim to the list of formal argument and
the definition of ylim with 'if(missing(ylim))'.  Patch below.


diff -r rpart.orig//R/plotcp.s rpart/R/plotcp.s
< 		   upper=c("size", "splits", "none"), ...)
> 		   upper=c("size", "splits", "none"), ylim, ...)
<   ylim <- c(min(xerror - xstd) - 0.1, max(xerror + xstd) + 0.1)
>   if(missing(ylim))
>     ylim <- c(min(xerror - xstd) - 0.1, max(xerror + xstd) + 0.1)

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