[Rd] png output requires X connection (PR#1165)

rmurray@debian.org rmurray@debian.org
Sun, 11 Nov 2001 19:01:35 +0100 (MET)

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On Sun, Nov 11, 2001 at 05:39:53PM +0000, Prof Brian Ripley wrote:
> I was extremely disappointed by this report.  Unix/Linux R users should
> appreciate what was ported from the Windows version for them and not send
> a bug report on a well-documented restriction.  Especially when the `See

It's not a bug so much as a wishlist request (which is why it was
filed at the wishlist severity).  The output of R's png() is far
better than using postscript and having ghostscript write out the png.

> Now, why send a bug report about something documented on the help page?
> (And you need a X display for any other --gui option, including the
> default.)   Please do read the section in the R FAQ about what is a bug,
> and act on it.

This is a wishlist item more than a bug.  I wish it worked the way the
output is sharp and clear.  As it is, the graph looks noticeably worse
than when it was generated directly with png().  I think this is worth
changing to remove the restriction.

Ryan Murray, Debian Developer (rmurray@cyberhqz.com, rmurray@debian.org)
The opinions expressed here are my own.

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