[Rd] problem with help.start() in R (PR#1156)
Fri, 2 Nov 2001 13:44:05 +0100
Prof Brian Ripley writes:
> I tested Opera 5.0 under Linux (www.opera.com). It worked with -remote
> correctly. What I did not get to work was the search engine, but I saw
> no sign of Java support for Opera under Linux. (For Windows it is a
> separate add-on.)
I rarely used R with remote display, so it is not a concern for me.
But indeed, there is no support for Java in Opera under Linux. I am not
aware that the search engine (in R ?) need Java support. Hopefully
this support will be added in later version of Opera.
> I've amended the documentation, but I do wonder if
> help.start(browser="foo") should set options(browser="foo").
My point is that if one launches help.start(browser="foo"), it means
that one would like to use foo as browser, so default browser should
be set to foo.
PHAM Dinh Tuan | e-mail: Dinh-Tuan.Pham@imag.fr
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