[Rd] unable to open the base package (PR#867)

mendes@cse.ucsc.edu mendes@cse.ucsc.edu
Wed, 7 Mar 2001 21:38:03 +0100 (MET)


I'm trying to use R that someone installed in his own home directory
(which is located on a common filesystem). Now, he is able to use it with
no problems, but when I try to run it I get the following messages (the
first line is just the command line, and the way I call the program):

an2 1> /projects/draper/R-1.2.1/bin/R
cannot find system Renviron
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Fatal error: unable to open the base package

The system we are running is SunOS Release 5.8 Generic.

Can you help us in any way?

	Bruno Mendes.

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