AW: [Rd] Re: some problems with windows(rescale=) (PR#794)
Fri, 19 Jan 2001 16:53:01 +0100 (MET)
Thanks to Prof. Brian Ripley and Guido Masarotto for fixing the initial rescaling of windows(rescale="fixed").
Now I can provide more detailed desciptions how to replicate the other problems I observed.
2) wrong row distances with windows(rescale="fit")
just use function testit() to see what I mean
# comparing the two devices appears normal
testit(width=8, height=6)
# compare the two devices for DIN A4
# with rescale="fit" lines are closer together
testit(width=16.53543, height=11.69291)
# exagerate effect
testit(width=32, height=24)
## the following function closes all devices
## creates two devices of the specified size
## with rescale="R" and rescale="fit"
## determines cex needed to fill the window (in x direction) and fills it
testit <- function(width, height){
stroptim <- function(str, width=NULL, height=NULL, units="user", range.cex=c(0.01, 24)){
units <- match.arg(units, c("user", "figure", "inches"))
m <- max(length(str), length(width), length(height))
str <- rep(str, length=m)
wcex <- hcex <- rep(Inf, m)
if (!is.null(width)){
fn <- function(cex, str, width)strwidth(str, cex=cex, units=units)-width
frange <- rbind(fn(range.cex[1], str, width), fn(range.cex[2], str, width))
for (i in seq(length=m)){
if (prod(sign(frange[,i]))<0){
u <- uniroot(fn, range.cex, str=str[i], width=width[i])
wcex[i] <- u$root
wcex[i] <- range.cex[which.min(abs(frange[,i]))]
if (!is.null(height)){
fn <- function(cex, str, height)strheight(str, cex=cex, units=units)-height
frange <- rbind(fn(range.cex[1], str, height), fn(range.cex[2], str, height))
for (i in seq(length=m)){
if (prod(sign(frange[,i]))<0){
u <- uniroot(fn, range.cex, str=str[i], height=height[i])
hcex[i] <- u$root
hcex[i] <- range.cex[which.min(abs(frange[,i]))]
pmin(wcex, hcex)
while (length(dev.list()))
jandltext <- "there is hardly anything i know for sure\nneither of the future nor of the past\nnor should i know what to ask\nif the person answering was you\n\n(Ernst Jandl, stanzen)"
windows(width=width, height=height)
text(1,1, jandltext, cex=stroptim(jandltext, width=diff(par("usr")[1:2])))
windows(width=width, height=height, rescale="fit")
stroptim(jandltext, width=diff(par("usr")[1:2]))
text(1,1, jandltext, cex=stroptim(jandltext, width=diff(par("usr")[1:2])))
3a) windows(rescale="fit") destroys aspect ratio
3b) repeated rescaling destroys proper font size as well
Degeneration of aspect ratio only happens if in WindowsNT | DisplayProperties | Plus! | ShowWindowContentsWhileDragging is ACTIVATED and one intensely uses the mouse to do extreme rescaling.
Since this windows option is easy to deactivate, I have no further problems with that.
Best regards
Jens Oehlschlägel
--please do not edit the information below--
platform = i386-pc-mingw32
arch = x86
os = Win32
system = x86, Win32
status =
major = 1
minor = 2.1
year = 2001
month = 01
day = 15
language = R
Windows NT 4.0 (build 1381) Service Pack 6
Search Path:
.GlobalEnv, package:ctest, Autoloads, package:base
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