[Rd] Re: announce: survival5 bug fix

Peter Kleiweg kleiweg@let.rug.nl
Mon, 15 Jan 2001 23:41:40 +0100 (CET)

Thomas Lumley skriver...

> Anyone using the penalised partial likelihood routines in survival5 should
> update their version. 
> A bug has been fixed in the S package: in coxph() models with penalised
> likelihood and strata it was possible in some circumstances to get an
> infinite loop or perhaps an incorrect answer. 
> The new version (2.3) is on cran.r-project.org and will percolate through
> CRAN in the next few days.

I had trouble installing this package (and its previous
version) on HP-UX. There is a name conflict in files agsurv3.c
and coxfit5.c. I get an "Inconsistent type declaration" error 
for the variable 'time'. Changing the name of the variable
solved the problem.

Peter Kleiweg

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