[Rd] read.table (PR#1227)

possolo@crd.ge.com possolo@crd.ge.com
Tue, 25 Dec 2001 22:45:48 +0100 (MET)

Full_Name: Antonio Possolo
Version: 1.4.0
OS: Linux
Submission from: (NULL) (

## inputFile has the following three lines (each without the initial ``## '')
## a,b
## m,1
## n,3
## and resides in $HOME/R

fileHOME <- paste(Sys.getenv("HOME"), "/R/", sep="")
fileNAME <- "inputFile"

## Given the command,

z <- read.table(file=paste(fileHOME, fileNAME, sep=""), sep=",", 
                header=TRUE, row.names=NULL, as.is=TRUE)

## R replies

## stack imbalance in internal type.convert,
##   28 then 27stack imbalance in .Internal, 27 then 26
## stack imbalance in if, 21 then 20
## stack imbalance in <-, 19 then 18
## stack imbalance in {, 17 then 16
## stack imbalance in for, 10 then 9
## stack imbalance in {, 8 then 7
## stack imbalance in <-, 2 then 1
## Error: unprotect(): stack imbalance

## but z is correct.

## The command

z <- read.table(file=paste(fileHOME, fileNAME, sep=""), sep=",", 
                           header=TRUE, row.names=NULL, as.is=TRUE,
                           colClasses=c("character", "numeric"))

## produces the same result without complaints.

## Finally, the command

z <- read.table(file=paste(fileHOME, fileNAME, sep=""), sep=",", 
                           header=TRUE, row.names=NULL, as.is=FALSE)

## also produces a data-frame with the correct elements,
## but z$a is a factor, not a character vector.

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