[Rd] syntax questtion, maybe a bug (PR#1214)
Thu, 13 Dec 2001 19:44:56 +0100 (MET)
S-Plus takes names of the form ".2logl" since it sees a single set of
letters beginning with "." and continuing with alphanumerics.
> .2logl <- function(x) 2*log(x)
> .2logl(3)
[1] 2.197225
The same name is rejected by R, my guess is that the ".2" is recognized as
a number and then there is no operator symbol between the "2" and the
following alphabet symbols.
> .2logl <- function(x) 2*log(x)
Error: syntax error
Is this an intentional syntax difference between R and S? Or is it a bug?
I am using rw1031 Version 1.3.1 (2001-08-31) on windows.
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