[Rd] bug in rbinom? (PR#1190)

viele@ms.uky.edu viele@ms.uky.edu
Sun, 2 Dec 2001 01:27:55 +0100 (MET)

Full_Name: Kert Viele
Version: 1.3
OS: Windows ME and 2000
Submission from: (NULL) (

Hello! Thanks for all your efforts on R. They are appreciated!

I was simulating the central limit theorem in class,
but found that repeated use of


resulted in values less than 200 (the expected mean), for example

> mean(rbinom(100000,500,0.4))
[1] 199.0294
> mean(rbinom(100000,500,0.4))
[1] 199.1077
> mean(rbinom(100000,500,0.4))
[1] 199.0668
and so on.

I did this 1000 times and found the results to be distributed
approximately N(199.0787,s=0.036). The standard deviation
is pretty accurate, but the mean is significantly off from 200.

Thanks for any help! (including telling me my mistakes!)
- Kert Viele
Assistant Professor of Statistics
University of Kentucky

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