[Rd] system.file("",package) (PR#1062)

Kurt Hornik Kurt.Hornik@ci.tuwien.ac.at
Mon, 20 Aug 2001 08:15:22 +0200

>>>>> tlumley  writes:

> system.file("",package") is documented to return the root of the
> package (as it did in the past). It actually returns "" (Win98,
> R1.3.0), breaking the SJava package

> Omitting the first argument does work correctly and so is a workaround
> if the argument is explicitly "" but not if it is the value of a
> variable.


I think you are misreading the docs: we have

     system.file(..., package = "base", lib.loc = .lib.loc, pkg, lib)

so the package argument must be named.

I think you were caught by

	R> system.file("", "eda")
	[1] ""

but you need to do

	R> system.file("", package = "eda")
	[1] "/usr/local/lib/R/library/eda/"


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