[Rd] Projects

Kurt Hornik Kurt.Hornik@ci.tuwien.ac.at
Mon, 18 Sep 2000 00:51:12 +0200

>>>>> Douglas Bates writes:

> I am teaching a graduate course on Statistical Computing this
> semester.  A major part of the grade is determined by a project in
> which a student or small group of students produce, test, and document
> some software for statistics.  I will encourage those students who are
> developing in S to package their software as an R package.

> I would welcome suggestions of possible projects, especially projects
> that come under the heading of "Useful facilities to be added to R".
> Please keep in mind that the project must be completed by mid-December
> and that not all the students have extensive experience programming in
> S and C.

Hopefully not too late for me to join the wishlist ...

In addition to the useful suggestions re experimental design and by
Peter, I have the following ctest-related projects which I think would
fit very nicely.  Ordering is according to decreasing priority.

* Improved support for exact inference (p-values and, where appropriate,
also confidence intervals ) for some of the tests, in particular for
Kruskal-Wallis and (2-sample) Smirnov.  In addition, we currently don't
have exact p-values in the rank-based tests in case of ties, and one
could deal with this using the Streitberg-Roehmel path suggested by
Torsten Hothorn (see add-on package ExactDistr).  Also, permutation
tests might be useful in some cases ...

[I have an NEW implementation of the Mehta-Patel network algorithm for
dealing with the common odds ratio in 2 x 2 x k tables ready, hence will
take care of mantelhaen.test() myself.]

* Implement alternative definitions of the 2-sided p-value using

	p = 2[f P(X=x) + min{P(X<x),P(X>x)}]

with 0 <= f <= 1 as definition.

* Improve the code for fisher.test(), maybe re-implement from scratch?
The memory management definitely needs to be rewritten for 1.2.

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