[Rd] Probable bug in RODBC 0.7.x (PR#700)

emmanuel.charpentier@sap.ap-hop-paris.fr emmanuel.charpentier@sap.ap-hop-paris.fr
Mon, 23 Oct 2000 13:16:01 +0200 (MET DST)

Full_Name: Emmanuel Charpentier
Version: R 1.1.1
OS: Windows 98 FE / Linux (Debian 2.2)
Submission from: (NULL) (

This bug report is pro forma. I've already reported it informally on R-help and

The current (0.7) version of RODBC has a problem with missing values. It
gets missing "character" values (as blanks), but puts the last non-missing value
the same variable in place of missing "numeric" values. Doubleplus ungood ...

Example :

In database : ==>     What I got in R    What I expected

1  Foo 1.0            1 "Foo" 1.0        1 "Foo" 1.0
2      2.0            2 ""    2.0        2 ""    2.0
3  Bar                3 "Bar" 2.0        3 "Bar" NA
4  Gee 4.0            4 "Gee" 4.0        4 "Gee" 4.0

This has been checked on Windows (links to remote Postgres, local MS-Access and
Excel) and Linux (links to Postgres, both local and remote, ODBC
drivers=unixODBC-bundled drivers).

A cursory preliminary look at the code was unsuccessful. I have to delve into
ODBC interface specification and learn how to debug C under R in order to go

Michael Lapsley, author of the RODBC package, is aware of the problem, but has
fix yet (as of beginning of October).

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