[Rd] bug in pnorm (PR#699)

James Michael Rath organism@ticam.utexas.edu
Fri, 20 Oct 2000 19:23:02 -0500 (CDT)

> ratjamm@alum.mit.edu writes:
> > There is a macro in pnorm.c (in the nmath directory) which looks like:
> > #define SIXTEN	1.6	/* Magic Cutoff */
> > It should be something like:
> > #define SIXTEN	16.0	/* Magic Cutoff */
> > 
> > I know this appears in R version 1.1.1.  I know it also appears in older
> > versions.
> > I do not know if it appears in newer ones.
> Hmm. I tried making the appropriate change and plotting 
> plot(x,(pnorm(x+.00001)-pnorm(x-.00001))/dnorm(x))
> for 
> x<-seq(0,-16,-.01)
> and
> x<-seq(0,16,.01)
> I'll be darned if I can spot the difference. Where would you expect to
> find it?

I see that you're trying to test whether an approximation to the
derivative of pnorm is equal to dnorm.  If you look at the plot you
generated, either the old pnorm or the "correct" one will qualitatively
look like a flat line near y=1.  (A sidebar: I'm not sure why you chose to
examine things over the domain (-16,0) and (0,16).  I'm guessing you were
misled by the inappropriate labelling of SIXTEN as a "magic cutoff" by
Ihaka.  I'll explain the role of SIXTEN below.)

Qualitative accuracy was not what I had in mind.  The routines were
originally written by Cody to achieve full double precision accuracy (on
machines which could support it).  That is, he aimed for 18 decimal places
of accuracy in the routines.

When calculating pnorm(x), the range of abs(x) is split into four
pieces: (0,0.66291), (0.66291,sqrt(32), (sqrt(32),somelimit), and
everything else.  In the first piece, a certain rational approximation is
used to calculate the function value.  In the second two pieces, two
additional (each different) rational approximations are used modulo a
multiplication by exp(-0.5*x*x).  The calculation of the multiplication by
exp(-0.5*x*x) is where SIXTEN is used.

Lines 176-187 of pnorm.c in R version 1.1.1 looks like
#define do_del(X)							\
	xsq = floor(X * SIXTEN) / SIXTEN;				\
	del = (X - xsq) * (X + xsq);					\
	if(log_p) {							\
	    *cum = (-xsq * xsq * 0.5) + (-del * 0.5) + log(*cum);	\
	    if((lower && x > 0.) || (upper && x <= 0.))			\
		*ccum = log(1.0 - exp(*cum));				\
	}								\
	else {								\
	    *cum = exp(-xsq * xsq * 0.5) * exp(-del * 0.5) * *cum;	\
	    *ccum = 1.0 - *cum;						\
This macro is then called on y (which was previously set to fabs(x)).  The
effect of the line "xsq = floor(y*SIXTEN)/SIXTEN" is to set xsq to a value
approximating y to the nearest sixteenth (from below).  The exponential is
then computed in two parts: we write y=xsq+(y-xsq) and compute
exp(-0.5*y*y)=exp(-0.5*xsq*xsq)*exp(-0.5*del).  Despite the algebraic
equivalence between these two expressions, the RHS is a more numerically
accurate formula than the LHS (for the domain we are interested in).

The effect of substituting 1.6 for 16 is twofold.  First, xsq only gets
rounded to the nearest 1.6eenth (to the closest multiple of 1/1.6).  The
change from exp(-0.5*y*y) to exp(-0.5*xsq*xsq)*exp(-0.5*del) then loses
most of its effectiveness.  Second, multiplication and division by 16 in
IEEE floating point arithmetic gets computed exactly.  The operations for
1.6 do not (1.6 ~ 1.10011... - it is a non-terminating binary
number).  This introduces spurious numerical errors where there should be

The overall effect of changing 1.6 to 16 is subtle at best and insidious
at worst.  We had accuracy to full precision with 16, but now do not with

After looking at the R code a bit more carefully, I notice there are a few
other significant (numerically, at least) changes to Cody's library.

The first has to do with the fuzzy "somelimit" that I used above in
describing the domain split.  If x is positive, then "somelimit" is the
largest number above which pnorm(x) is indistinguishable from 1 (to the
working precision).  If x is negative, then "somelimit" is the negative of
the smallest number below which pnorm(x) is indistinguishable from 0 (to
working precision).  Cody called these two (different) numbers XLOW and
XUPPR, and distinguished their use in the code.  Ihaka, on the other hand,
simply hard-coded 50 for both.  For double precision, XLOW should be about
-37.5 and XUPPR about 8.6.  This has two effects.  First, there is a
slow-down because calculations involving a rational asymptotic formula are
taking place when then don't have to.  This isn't too serious because
most people call pnorm with much smaller arguments most of the time (and
the time taken to calculate that asymptotic expression takes no more time
to calculate the other rational expressions used).  The second effect
could potentially be serious, though.  Cody's code didn't cause any IEEE
floating point error flags to be set unneccesarily.  Ihaka's code
does.  In order to put Ihaka's code back in line with Cody's code would
take only a minor modification (one extra comparison which wouldn't
reduce readability or the difficulty of the logic).

The second significant change has to do with the rounding to sixteenths
again.  The rounding takes place twice: once in the case where y is in 
(0.66291,sqrt(32), and once where y is in (sqrt(32),somelimit).  I only
discussed the first one above (for brevity's sake; perhaps I should've
mentioned it earlier).  My comments above about changing 1.6 to 16 apply
to both, but this second comment only applies to the second case.  Cody's
code actually rounds towards zero (towards the nearest sixteenth) whereas
Ihaka's code rounds towards minus infinity.  That is, Cody uses the
Fortran AINT routine whereas Ihaka uses C's floor.  At first thought, I'm
not really sure just what the impact on accuracy is.  I suspect there is
none because of the range of arguments involved; however, I cannot say
this for sure.  I can get back to you on this if you'd like.

My last comment (phew!) has to do with the computation of
log(pnorm(x)).  Although the calculation of pnorm is accurate to full
precision (that is, to within 1 ULP) and so it that of log, the
composition may not be.  I'm not sure what the impact is (it's late on
Friday afternoon, and I'm running out of steam; sorry :( ), but I will
definitely get back to you on this.  One thing that definitely does worry
me is the computation of log(1-exp(*cum)).

Thanks for sticking with me through this whole message.  Numerical
analysis may be boring, but it definitely it worth it.  (I don't mean to
offend anyone by "boring," either! :)

Thanks much and have a good weekend!


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