[Rd] Rterm on Windows 2000 now works.

Guido Masarotto guido@sirio.stat.unipd.it
Fri, 20 Oct 2000 10:06:10 +0200

On Thu, Oct 19, 2000 at 09:57:19AM +0100, Prof Brian Ripley wrote:
> Guido has fixed Rterm hanging on Windows 2000 in interactive and --ess
> modes.  The problem was that 'PulseEvent' doesn't work under 2000 as
> documented (and I can find nothing about this in MicroSoft's Knowledge
> Base except that it is known to happen under a debugger).
> The cross-compiled pre-release at http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/pub/bdr/RWin/Rpre
> now incoporates the fix, and we intend to make available a patched
> R.dll for rw1011 shortly.
> -- 

  A patched R.dll for rw1011 is available at
  In few days, it will be also available from your preferred CRAN
  mirror, in /bin/windows/windows-NT/base/fixed.
  There is a two lines ReadMe explaining how to install.	

  I would be glad to hear about successes and failures (not on the
  list, however).

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