[Rd] "wizard" for building R-packages...

Kurt Hornik Kurt.Hornik@ci.tuwien.ac.at
Wed, 18 Oct 2000 13:23:52 +0200 (CEST)

>>>>> A J Rossini writes:

>>>>> "PBR" == Prof Brian Ripley <ripley@stats.ox.ac.uk> writes:
PBR> I'm a bit lost: you of all people don't really want a Windows
PBR> wizard do you?

> No, an Emacs wizard.

PBR> Just how much time do people spend packaging new packages
PBR> anyway?  I probably have as many on CRAN as anyone else, and
PBR> I do this rarely.  Checking them is another matter!

> My thoughts were based on the recent thread re: local functions in a
> package, and making that easier (as well as documented).

> R will do a good bit, and the question is how much more would be
> needed in support so that 
>         M-x R-package-wizard
> creates a filled out package framework (without the autocoding, of
> course). 

I think it would be nice to have a function for creating a DESCRIPTION
file, marking which fields are required and which ones are optional
(e.g., like AUCTeX bibtex mode).

Directory stubs are perhaps not that much needed.  Peter once suggested
to make the corresponding documentation in R-exts more hands-on, so that
one gets a simple worked-out packaging example, and I think we want to
do this (eventually).

The package wizard might also offer to generate files like TITLE, INDEX
and data/00Index automatically, but this is done by R CMD check/build

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