[Rd] R_ColorTable

Nicholas Lewin-Koh kohnicho@comp.nus.edu.sg
Wed, 4 Oct 2000 11:40:40 +0800 (GMT-8)

Hi, In C code called from .Call using the R interface, is it possible to
access the variables R_ColorTable and R_ColorTableSize? I tried 
extern int R_ColorTableSize; 
extern unsigned int R_ColorTable[]; 
extern char *DefaultPalette[]; 

as in Graphics.h but I guess that code doesn't get written into libR ? But
I can access 
extern void hsv2rgb
which is in graphics.c

Any help?


                  N             Nicholas Lewin-Koh
                 / \            Dept of Statistics
           N----C   C==O        Program in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
          ||   ||   |           Iowa State University
          ||   ||   |           Ames, IA 50011
          CH    C   N--CH3      http://www.public.iastate.edu/~nlewin
            \  / \ /            nlewin@iastate.edu
             N    C
             |   ||             Currently
            CH3   O             Graphics Lab
                                School of Computing
                                National University of Singapore
     The Real Part of Coffee    kohnicho@comp.nus.edu.sg

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