[Rd] Optimisation methods

Robert.King@mailbox.gu.edu.au Robert.King@mailbox.gu.edu.au
Fri, 1 Dec 2000 08:09:22 +1000 (EST)

On Thu, 30 Nov 2000, Prof Brian D Ripley wrote:

> On Fri, 1 Dec 2000 Robert.King@mailbox.gu.edu.au wrote:
> > I don't want to re-invent the wheel, and I'm trying to code up something
> > that does a Nelder-Mead simplex method to minimise a non-linear objective
> > function.  (I'm porting something I originally wrote in matlab, using the 
> > optimisation toolbox funciton fmins).
> optim(method="Nelder-Mead")
Thanks.  Perhaps I should just learn to spell like the OED :-) 

> Now how did this not come up in a search: perhaps because of the way you
> spell optimization?  I have
> which shows we probably need to find a way to check variant spellings.
> (BTW: just in case anyone tells me the British spell with an `ise', the
> Oxford English Dictionary does not.)

I guess this means I should change the spelling of the parameterisation
in the gld package functions.  What do people think of adding extra
arguments to functions to take account of different spellings like this:

example.fn _ function(parameterisation="fing",parameterization=NULL)
if (is.null(parameterization)) {parameterization_parameterisation}
else {parameterisation_parameterization}

Is there a better way?

Robert King, Australian Environmental Studies, Griffith University, Australia
Currently on Research leave (returning to Australia, end of January 2001)
contact me by email
Robert.King@mailbox.gu.edu.au   http://www.ens.gu.edu.au/robertk/

linux: because a PC is a terrible thing to waste
(ksh@cis.ufl.edu put this on Tshirts in '93)

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