[Rd] printing of lists (PR#746)

david.firth@nuffield.oxford.ac.uk david.firth@nuffield.oxford.ac.uk
Fri, 24 Nov 2000 13:31:25 +0100 (MET)

This looks to me like a bug in the print method for lists.  In printing 
"test.list" below, the labels $A$subset and $B$subset fail to appear.

I find the same behaviour under linux and Windows (using R 1.1.1 -- 
for version info see below) with R --vanilla.

Regards -- David
David Firth                        Phone +44 1865 278544
Nuffield College                   Fax   +44 1865 278621
Oxford OX1 1NF                     Secretary +44 1865 278612
United Kingdom                     Email david.firth@nuffield.oxford.ac.uk

> test.list<-list(A=list(formula=Y~X,subset=TRUE), B=list(formula=Y~X,subset=TRUE))
> test.list$A
Y ~ X

[1] TRUE

> test.list
Y ~ X

[1] TRUE

Y ~ X

[1] TRUE

> version
platform i686-pc-linux-gnu
arch     i686             
os       linux-gnu        
system   i686, linux-gnu  
major    1                
minor    1.1              
year     2000             
month    August           
day      15               
language R    

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