[Rd] RE: [R] boxplot grouped by two variables: general issue

Jens Oehlschlägel jens.oehlschlaegel@bbdo-interone.de
Thu, 23 Nov 2000 11:59:38 +0100

> On Tue, 21 Nov 2000, Vadik Kutsyy wrote:
> > Is there a quick way to make boxplots groups by two
> variables?  By that
> > I mean, that if x axes have values ("A","B","C"), than at
> each value
> > there would be a few boxplots each for a value of second
> variable (say
> > ("1","2","3")).
> If I understand you correctly you want to try the
> "interaction" function
> in a boxplot.  Your data needs to be organised into a data.frame with
> appropriate factors.  Here's a simple example ...

I'd rather prefer to have something like

  coplot(breaks | wool * tension, data = warpbreaks, panel=function(x, y,

but there are three problems:

1) coplot doesn't seem to support univariate panel functions
2) coplot doesn't seem to support synchronization options for xlim= and
ylim= across panels
3) plot functions appear to be EITHER panel functions OR high level plot
functions. Needing two versions for each plot function is a little bit
complicated. Rather have ONLY panel functions and a one-panel high level

Here are my questions:

a) Any plans to implement trellis?
b) Are there any other solutions in R which offer simple trellis
c) Do you think, attacking these problems leads to reinventing trellis with
all it's complexity?

If the answers turn out to be c(a=NO,b=NO,c=NO) I would like  to ask in more

Is it possible to write plot functions to properly behave as high level AND
as panel functions?
Are there any issues that NEED to be addressed beyond 1) to 3) ?
Any recommendations? Any related work in progress? Any volunteers?

If nobody else is attacking this, I will think about a solution (r-devel:
AFTER the strwidth() issue has been resolved)


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