[Rd] Installation of rpm file on Suse Linux 6.2 (PR#449)
Albrecht Gebhardt
Mon, 28 Feb 2000 13:57:27 +0100 (MET)
On Thu, 17 Feb 2000 luzi@stud.phys.ethz.ch wrote:
> Full_Name: Luzi P. Schucan
> Version: R-base-0.90.1-2.i386.rpm
> OS: Linux
> Submission from: (NULL) (
> I just wanted to install the rpm package with rpm --v -i [file], and here is the
> log:
> (I DID run it as root!!)
> (the important thing is in the end: there must be a bug in the post install
> script.
> The problem is, that it does install all the files, but it doesn't correctly
> hang
> the whole thing into the system. No binaries can be run, it always says things
> about
> missing links etc)
> (I'd be VERY glad if you could help me FAST, 'cause this is for my Diplomarbeit
> at
> the ETH Zurich in Switzerland. Thank you!)
The part of the install script that fails is not important:
test -d /usr/doc/packages/R-base-0.90.1 && \
ln -sf /usr/local/lib/R/doc /usr/doc/packages/R-base-0.90.1/R-docs
(/usr/doc/packages/R-base-0.90.1 does not exist but
/usr/doc/packages/R-base does)
I should remove it from the postinstall script anyway, sorry.
But R should already run on your machine. Does your PATH variable contain
/usr/local/bin ? What happens if you start /usr/local/bin/R ? I guess you
tried to run /usr/local/lib/R/bin/R directly. This fails because it
contains the path where this R rpm was built. I will clean up this in
future rpms (allready done in R-base-0.99.1a-1.rpm for SuSE 6.3) but if
you use /usr/local/bin/R everything should work, also in this SuSE 6.2
I checked the installation with R-base-0.90.1-2.i386.rpm from
on a SuSE 6.2 machine just now, complaint about "execution of script
failed" occurs, but R runs.
BTW, you should consider waiting for version 1.0.0 which arrives soon
(give me also a little bit time to recompile all the rpm packages then)
Best whishes
| Albrecht Gebhardt Tel.: (++43 463) 2700/832 |
| Institut fuer Mathematik Fax : (++43 463) 2700/834 |
| Universitaet Klagenfurt mailto:albrecht.gebhardt@uni-klu.ac.at |
| Villacher Str. 161 http://www-stat.uni-klu.ac.at/~agebhard |
| A-9020 Klagenfurt, Austria |
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