[Rd] bug and fix : using panel.first with plot() in do.call() (PR#458)
Fri, 25 Feb 2000 15:35:53 +0100 (MET)
On Fri, 25 Feb 2000 c.farrow@compserv.gla.ac.uk wrote:
> The following works as expected
> plot(1:5, panel.first=grid(2,2))
> and if
> my.panel<-function() grid(2,2)
> then
> plot(1:5, panel.first=my.panel() )
> is also OK
> but,
> do.call("plot", list(x=1:5, panel.first=grid(2,2))
> do.call("plot", list(x=1:5, panel.first=my.panel))
> do.plot("plot", list(x=1:5, panel.first=my.panel() ))
> do not draw the grid because the panel.first expression is evaluated
> before the plot gets drawn.
Yes, and a solution is
do.call("plot", list(x=1:5, panel.first=quote(grid(2,2))))
as when you do this sort of thing you can't rely on lazy evaluation.
replacing `quote' by `delay' will also work. The help page says
they should be unevaluated expressions.
> A solution is to modify plot.default such that the line
> panel.first
> is replaced by
> if(is.function(panel.first)) {
> panel.first()
> }else {
> panel.first
> }
> This allows the previous behaviour, but also allows a function name to
> be passed to plot using do.call()
> now all the following produce the expected graph
> plot(1:5, panel.first=grid(2,2))
> plot(1:5, panel.first=my.panel())
> plot(1:5,panel.first=my.panel)
> do.call("plot", list(x=1:5, panel.first=my.panel ))
> Similarly the line
> panel.last
> should be replaced by
> if(is.function(panel.last)) {
> panel.last()
> } else {
> panel.last
> }
Um, ?plot.default say panel.first and panel.last should be *expressions*
*to be evaluated*, so is this not working as documented?
Brian D. Ripley, ripley@stats.ox.ac.uk
Professor of Applied Statistics, http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~ripley/
University of Oxford, Tel: +44 1865 272861 (self)
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