[Rd] problem with va_list type (alpha) (PR#421)

albrecht.gebhardt@uni-klu.ac.at albrecht.gebhardt@uni-klu.ac.at
Tue, 8 Feb 2000 11:29:29 +0100 (MET)

Full_Name: Albrecht Gebhardt
Version: 0.99.0
OS: alpha, osf4.0
Submission from: (NULL) (

Both DEC cc and gcc complain (osf4.0, alpha) about applying
an unary operator (!) to a non scalar type (va_list arg) in 

I'm not sure if I understood what was intended by "!arg" (see below),
but with this patch I at least was able to compile. (and R runs now,
but I guess only because I didn't came across this code section)

--- ./src/main/printutils.c.va_list.patch	Mon Feb  7 15:08:14 2000
+++ ./src/main/printutils.c	Mon Feb  7 15:52:54 2000
@@ -421,7 +421,7 @@
     else {
 	char buf[BUFSIZE], *p = buf, *vmax = vmaxget(); 
 	int slen, res;
-	if(!arg) {
+	if(&arg!=NULL) {
             /* just a string, so length is known */
 	    if((slen = strlen(format)) >= BUFSIZE)
 		p = R_alloc(slen+1, sizeof(char));

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