[Rd] Segmentation fault in recursion, 0.90.1 (PR#409)

J.C.Rougier@durham.ac.uk J.C.Rougier@durham.ac.uk
Tue, 1 Feb 2000 13:12:57 +0100 (MET)

The following gives an immediate segmentation fault, v 0.90.1

"fred" <- function(x) { print(x); Recall(x-1)}
fred(0)	# segmentation fault at recursion 831

Obviously this recursion is non-terminating, but shouldn't it be caught
and reported at some limit?  In 0.64.1 we had

Error: protect(): stack overflow

at recursion 831.  Cheers, Jonathan.

Jonathan Rougier                       Science Laboratories
Department of Mathematical Sciences    South Road
University of Durham                   Durham DH1 3LE

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