[Rd] some (may be related) problems with windows(rescale=) (PR#794)

joehl@web.de joehl@web.de
Thu, 28 Dec 2000 20:04:18 +0100 (MET)


Before reporting 4 problems with windows(rescale=) I want to congrat on R1.2 and to thank r-developers for quickly adding the rescale workaround to the windows version.

Happy New Year

Jens Oehlschlaegel


## windows(rescale="fixed") does not keep original device size 
## (probably device initialization error)

dev.show <- function(){
	din <- par("din")
	c(width=din[1], height=din[2], aspectratio=din[1]/din[2])
width <- 42/2.54
height <- 29.7/2.54

> width
[1] 16.53543
> height
[1] 11.69291
> width/height
[1] 1.414141

> windows(width=width, height=height, rescale="R")
> dev.show()
      width      height aspectratio 
   9.229167    6.385417    1.445351 
> dev.off()
null device 
> windows(width=width, height=height, rescale="fixed")
> dev.show()
      width      height aspectratio 
   9.229167    6.385417    1.445351 
> dev.off()
null device 
> windows(width=width, height=height, rescale="fit")
> dev.show()
      width      height aspectratio 
   9.229167    6.385417    1.445351 

## Shouldn't at least rescale="fixed" give the desired device size and aspect ratio?
## The Help to windows() says:
## Using `"fixed"' will leave
##     the plot size unchanged, adding scrollbars if part of the plot is
##     obscured. This setting also affects the initial re-scaling if the
##     specified window size is too big.   

## windows(rescale="fit") gives strange character sizes 
## (looks like device initialization error)

## In the following examples the created devices seem to be equally initialized with respect to par(din)
## However, with windows(rescale="fit") I observe different par(pin) and different character sizes in text() and strwidth()

width <- 16.53543
height <- 11.69291

windows(width=width, height=height, rescale="fixed")
plot(0:2,0:2, type="n")
text(1,1,"abc\ndef", cex=2)
text(1,0.5,"fixed", cex=2)
temp <- t(sapply(par(c("din", "fin", "pin")),c))
colnames(temp) <- c("x", "y")
temp <- rbind(temp, text=c(strwidth("abc\ndef", cex=2), strheight("abc\ndef", cex=2)))
fixed <- temp

windows(width=width, height=height, rescale="fit")
plot(0:2,0:2, type="n")
text(1,1,"abc\ndef", cex=2)
text(1,0.5,"fit", cex=2)
temp <- t(sapply(par(c("din", "fin", "pin")),c))
colnames(temp) <- c("x", "y")
temp <- rbind(temp, text=c(strwidth("abc\ndef", cex=2), strheight("abc\ndef", cex=2)))
fit <- temp

windows(width=width, height=height, rescale="R")
plot(0:2,0:2, type="n")
text(1,1,"abc\ndef", cex=2)
text(1,0.5,"R", cex=2)
temp <- t(sapply(par(c("din", "fin", "pin")),c))
colnames(temp) <- c("x", "y")
temp <- rbind(temp, text=c(strwidth("abc\ndef", cex=2), strheight("abc\ndef", cex=2)))
R <- temp

# now compare

> fixed
             x         y
din  9.2291667 6.3854167
fin  9.2291667 6.3854167
pin  8.0666667 4.6604167
text 0.1394628 0.2896737
> fit
              x         y
din  9.22916667 6.3854167
fin  9.22916667 6.3854167
pin  8.79000000 5.7337500
text 0.07935154 0.1122302
> R
             x         y
din  9.2291667 6.3854167
fin  9.2291667 6.3854167
pin  8.0666667 4.6604167
text 0.1394628 0.2896737

> ## It looks like character size of windows(rescale="fit") refers to originally intended device size of 
> ## width=16.53543, height=11.69291 as 
> fit["text", "x"]/R["din", "x"]*width
[1] 0.1415101
> ## aprox. equal 
> fixed["text", "x"]
[1] 0.1405518

## If we now repeat this procedure with device sizes small enough to avoid initial rescaling
## the phenomenon disappears


width <- 9.2291667
height <- 6.3854167

windows(width=width, height=height, rescale="fixed")
plot(0:2,0:2, type="n")
text(1,1,"abc\ndef", cex=2)
text(1,0.5,"fixed", cex=2)
temp <- t(sapply(par(c("din", "fin", "pin")),c))
colnames(temp) <- c("x", "y")
temp <- rbind(temp, text=c(strwidth("abc\ndef", cex=2), strheight("abc\ndef", cex=2)))
fixed <- temp

windows(width=width, height=height, rescale="fit")
plot(0:2,0:2, type="n")
text(1,1,"abc\ndef", cex=2)
text(1,0.5,"fit", cex=2)
temp <- t(sapply(par(c("din", "fin", "pin")),c))
colnames(temp) <- c("x", "y")
temp <- rbind(temp, text=c(strwidth("abc\ndef", cex=2), strheight("abc\ndef", cex=2)))
fit <- temp

windows(width=width, height=height, rescale="R")
plot(0:2,0:2, type="n")
text(1,1,"abc\ndef", cex=2)
text(1,0.5,"R", cex=2)
temp <- t(sapply(par(c("din", "fin", "pin")),c))
colnames(temp) <- c("x", "y")
temp <- rbind(temp, text=c(strwidth("abc\ndef", cex=2), strheight("abc\ndef", cex=2)))
R <- temp

# now compare

> fixed
             x         y
din  9.1666667 6.1562500
fin  9.1666667 6.1562500
pin  8.0041667 4.4312500
text 0.1405518 0.3046544
> fit
             x         y
din  9.1666667 6.1562500
fin  9.1666667 6.1562500
pin  8.0041667 4.4312500
text 0.1405518 0.3046544
> R
             x         y
din  9.1666667 6.1562500
fin  9.1666667 6.1562500
pin  8.0041667 4.4312500
text 0.1405518 0.3046544

## wrong row distances with windows(rescale="fit")
## (looks like device initialization error)

width <- 16.53543
height <- 11.69291

## as a reference
windows(width=width, height=height, rescale="fixed")
plot(0:2,0:2, type="n")
text(1,1,"there is hardly anything i know for sure\nneither of the future nor of the past\nnor should i know what to ask\nif the person answering was you\n\n(Ernst Jandl, stanzen)"

## Here rows are too close together
windows(width=width, height=height, rescale="fit")
plot(0:2,0:2, type="n")
text(1,1,"there is hardly anything i know for sure\nneither of the future nor of the past\nnor should i know what to ask\nif the person answering was you\n\n(Ernst Jandl, stanzen)"

## Specifying smaller device size thus avoiding initial rescaling 
## makes the problem disappear

width <- 9
height <- 6

windows(width=width, height=height, rescale="fit")
plot(0:2,0:2, type="n")
text(1,1,"there is hardly anything i know for sure\nneither of the future nor of the past\nnor should i know what to ask\nif the person answering was you\n\n(Ernst Jandl, stanzen)"

## Once correctly initialized further rescaling using the mouse does retain correct distances


## windows(rescale="fit") destroys aspect ratio 
## (looks like device initialization error)

dev.show <- function(){
	din <- par("din")
	c(width=din[1], height=din[2], aspectratio=din[1]/din[2])
width <- 42/2.54
height <- 29.7/2.54

> width
[1] 16.53543
> height
[1] 11.69291
> width/height
[1] 1.414141

## create a device
> windows(width=width, height=height, rescale="fit")
> dev.show()
      width      height aspectratio 
   9.229167    6.385417    1.445351 

## some resizing of the window BEFORE plot() is called
# par("din") doesn't SEEM to change
> dev.show()
      width      height aspectratio 
   9.229167    6.385417    1.445351 
# but in fact calling plot() and dev.show()
> plot(0,0)
> dev.show()
      width      height aspectratio 
   6.321506    5.562500    1.136451 

## now some resizing of the window AFTER plot() is called
> dev.show()
      width      height aspectratio 
   4.708333    4.500471    1.046187 
> dev.show()
      width      height aspectratio 
   4.718750    3.297956    1.430811 
> dev.show()
      width      height aspectratio 
  3.3255361   4.4375000   0.7494166 
> dev.show()
      width      height aspectratio 
  1.4091170   5.1145833   0.2755096 
> dev.show()
      width      height aspectratio 
  1.4062500   5.1145833   0.2749491 
> dev.show()
      width      height aspectratio 
  0.4701945   3.3854167   0.1388882 
## we got very differing aspect ratios
## One reason for that COULD be that the initially intended device sizes are not kept, 
## so that many rescalings cumulate the deviations.
## May be par(din) should not be changed at all (keep the representation layer stable)
## and only apply rescaling/zooming/scrolling only to the graphical presentation.


--please do not edit the information below--

 platform = i386-pc-mingw32
 arch = x86
 os = Win32
 system = x86, Win32
 status = 
 major = 1
 minor = 2.0
 year = 2000
 month = 12
 day = 15
 language = R

Windows NT 4.0 (build 1381) Service Pack 6

Search Path:
 .GlobalEnv, package:ctest, Autoloads, package:base

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