[Rd] closing the sink connection a) is possible and b) can't be undone (PR#782)

joehl@web.de joehl@web.de
Wed, 20 Dec 2000 13:32:27 +0100 (MET)

# Have no other connections opened yet
> showConnections()
     class description mode text isopen can read can write
> sink("tempfile")
> close(getConnection(3))
> cat("send some output\n")
Error in stdout() : invalid connection
> sink()
Error in sink() : invalid connection
> cat("send some output\n")
Error in stdout() : invalid connection
> showConnections()
Error: invalid connection
> # now we are locked with our output being sent to nowhere and not being able to redirect it to standard out

BTW: this may be considered as a special case of a more general thing: 
undefined rights to modify/access connections owned by other parts of the software


Jens Oehlschlägel

--please do not edit the information below--

 platform = i386-pc-mingw32
 arch = x86
 os = Win32
 system = x86, Win32
 status = 
 major = 1
 minor = 2.0
 year = 2000
 month = 12
 day = 15
 language = R

Windows NT 4.0 (build 1381) Service Pack 6

Search Path:
 .GlobalEnv, package:ctest, Autoloads, package:base

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