[Rd] R1.2.0 (PR#766)

Prof Brian Ripley ripley@stats.ox.ac.uk
Fri, 15 Dec 2000 15:37:06 +0000 (GMT)

On Fri, 15 Dec 2000 james.lindsey@luc.ac.be wrote:

> Here are a few comments on the new release (1.2.0), most about R CMD
> check. I have managed to install and check my libraries only making one
> change to a C function (see point 1) and one to an R function because
> of the way formulae now look for their data. That is the good news. Of
> course, more extensive checks are liable to find further problems.
> 1. I need to be able to define F77_SYMBOL. This now in Defn.h which is
> not accessible to us mortals. Those few lines need to be moved into
> one of the accessible header files.

You could just use the calls that are documented, in R-exts, that is
F77_CALL and F77_NAME!  F77_SYMBOL has not been documented as
a user entry point since at least 1.0.0, and has never been part of the
API.  Only one of the 82 packages on CRAN was using it.

> 3. Makefiles in pkg/src are no longer read properly. This creates a
> big problem for me in library development.

Having Makefiles in packages causes users a lot of problems, but as far as
I know they still work (and so still break things as we found with
polymars last week).  Again, the preferred mechanisms have been in 
R-exts for a year or so.

> 3. DESCRIPTION has to have licence mis-spelled as license for the
> check to work.

Actually, as `License:'

> 4. check produces unasked for tex output (that I would like to be able
> to shut off) then an error that linktocpage is undefined.

It was asked for as it is a default option. Looks like your tex setup is

> 5. check always produces an error message at the end:
> Attempt to free unreferenced scalar during global destruction.
> I am not sure if this is a reference to Chernobyl but I do not
> understand it.

Is your Perl up to date?

> Other requests about the library check:
> 1. I would very much prefer that the check directory remain within the
> library directory instead of parallel as pkg.Rcheck to avoid
> proliferation of directories at that level.
> 2. Why can't check detect that the help pages are up-to-date
> (i.e. from a previous check) instead of redoing them every time?

By default, it does a clean install.  You can use --no-clean,
documented as one of the options.

Brian D. Ripley,                  ripley@stats.ox.ac.uk
Professor of Applied Statistics,  http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~ripley/
University of Oxford,             Tel:  +44 1865 272861 (self)
1 South Parks Road,                     +44 1865 272860 (secr)
Oxford OX1 3TG, UK                Fax:  +44 1865 272595

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