[Rd] write.table

Torsten Hothorn Torsten.Hothorn@rzmail.uni-erlangen.de
Wed, 6 Dec 2000 10:12:11 +0100 (MET)

Good morning, 

suppose the following:

m <- round(matrix(rnorm(16), ncol=4), 3)
a <- rev(c(0.01, 0.025, 0.05, 0.1))
rownames(m) <- a
colnames(m) <- c("0.25,0.75", "0.4,0.6", "0.1,0.9", "0.4,0.9")
      0.25,0.75 0.4,0.6 0.1,0.9 0.4,0.9
0.1       1.034  -0.119  -1.213   0.619
0.05      0.035   1.074   0.525   1.671
0.025    -1.687   0.960   0.324  -0.170
0.01      0.906   1.642   0.557  -2.224

and now write.table says:

"X0.25.0.75" "X0.4.0.6" "X0.1.0.9" "X0.4.0.9"
"0.1" "1.034" "-0.119" "-1.213" "0.619"
"0.05" "0.035" "1.074" "0.525" "1.671"
"0.025" "-1.687" "0.96" "0.324" "-0.17"
"0.01" "0.906" "1.642" "0.557" "-2.224"

If one writes 'm' into a file and reads it using read.table:

      X0.25.0.75 X0.4.0.6 X0.1.0.9 X0.4.0.9
0.1        1.034   -0.119   -1.213    0.619
0.05       0.035    1.074    0.525    1.671
0.025     -1.687    0.960    0.324   -0.170
0.01       0.906    1.642    0.557   -2.224

the colnames are incorrect. Do I miss something?


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