(G)UI for R and in R

A.J. Rossini rossini@biostat.washington.edu
16 Nov 1999 13:59:28 -0800

>>>>> "LD" == Lyndon Drake <lyndon@stat.auckland.ac.nz> writes:

    LD> Editing is one of my main todo items.  What features of ESS
    LD> are really important to people (object name completion is
    LD> already something I want to do)?

The ones important to me:

- Versioning of objects (i.e. placing text versions of R functions
  under version control)
- literate data analysis/programming
- ability to send R code to multiple processes

and most importantly: 
- Emacs key-bindings 

In general, I think the third is useful for a GUI, the first would be
nice, and the 4th would be crucial -- probably VI bindings, as

Now for some less cynical feedback: Looking at your XML code, it'd be
nice to have a means of bringing up an example, i.e. a filled out
screen with an additional text window which described what could be
done (you do/are having a help-feature-window-thingy, right)?

I.e. create a button on the window which would show examples for
read.table for a tab-sep'd file, CSV file, etc...  This would
literally be the R-ex files GUI'd up (gooey'd up... I like that one,
and so would my 2-year old :-), with a text window described what
each or a selected one would do.

Tres cool, and we can't really do that to the same extent with ESS
(well, we can dump code from the help buffer, but it's really run, not 
an example!). 


A.J. Rossini			Research Assistant Professor of Biostatistics 
Center for AIDS Research/HMC	Biostatistics/Univ. of Washington
Box 359931			Box 357232
206-731-3647 (3693=fax)		206-543-1044 (3286=fax)
rossini@u.washington.edu	rossini@biostat.washington.edu

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