Compilation of R under Mandrake Linux 6.1 (helios)

A.J. Rossini
12 Nov 1999 09:04:11 -0800

>>>>> "DTL" == Duncan Temple Lang <> writes:

    DTL> It is going to be tricky to diagnose an abort() call without
    DTL> the actual R command that caused it. My guess would be that
    DTL> there is an exception being thrown in the Orbacus libraries
    DTL> and that is propogating its way to abort.

I think you are right (i.e. that it's in the orbacus stuff).

It happened with the first 5 R-CORBA calls I tried, sigh... (I can't
recall exactly this morning, but follow the manual for a few minutes,
and modulo changing some names to localize, they all Aborted.

More this afternoon...  (I can't send a bug report without a

    DTL> Additionally, the R-S/CORBA interfaces are pretty solid
    DTL> here. A few bug reports to (with
    DTL> perhaps a little more information than above ;-)) will
    DTL> probably get them fixed pretty rapidly.

Sounds good...


A.J. Rossini			Research Assistant Professor of Biostatistics 
Center for AIDS Research/HMC	Biostatistics/Univ. of Washington
Box 359931			Box 357232
206-731-3647 (3693=fax)		206-543-1044 (3286=fax)

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